DONATE by pressing the Green button above the line

After pressing the donate button you will be directed to our PayPal donation page. Please consider adding a little extra to your donation to make up for the transaction fees assessed by PayPal processing. (Yes, non-profits get charged a fee, unlike friends and family!)

100% of your donation directly supports communities through education, direct patient care and training programs for local providers. The Integrative Health Project is an all volunteer organization and is skilled at making your donation have maximum impact.  

IHP is pleased to support the Atitlan Multicultural Academy (AMA) located in Guatemala. If you want to donate specifically to these programs please make sure you note that in the space provided. For AMA donations note the student you are sponsoring or general operating use. 

 To make your donation go farther you can send a check directly to the Integrative Health Project Office at 200 E. 15th Street, New York, NY 10003. This eliminates the credit card processing fees assessed with online donations. You can also send payments via Zelle to (the email address associated with our bank account). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

Thank you so much for your support.

Every bit counts.